Framed printed canvas illustrating the Japanese proverb "Frog in the well", front
Framed printed canvas illustrating the Japanese proverb "Frog in the well", side
Framed printed canvas illustrating the Japanese proverb "Frog in the well", front 30x40 inch
Framed printed canvas illustrating the Japanese proverb "Frog in the well", front 24x32 inch
Framed printed canvas illustrating the Japanese proverb "Frog in the well", front 18x24 inch
Framed printed canvas illustrating the Japanese proverb "Frog in the well", front 12x16 inch
Framed printed canvas illustrating the Japanese proverb "Frog in the well", front 9x12 inch

Framed printed canvas - The "Frog in the well" proverb

Regular price $49.00
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Printed canvas with matte black wooden frame, representing the proverb "Frog in the well" with a classic wood printed style illustration.

About the proverb :

- Proverb in Japanese : 井の中の蛙大海を知らず (I no naka no kawazu taikai wo shirazu).
- Translation : The frog in the well does not know the ocean.
- Meaning : If you are satisfied with your own small world, you will not get to know the real world

Product specifications :

- Black pinewood frame.
- Made from sustainably sourced materials.